Dragon Con Photos Round One

We’re back!!! Ok so I don’t have much to share in the first post. But it’s enough to recap Saturday at least.

Friday I took off work, finished packing, cleaned the house, went for a swim:

Tiniest Dragoncon load EVER.

Saturday morning we loaded up the car and were on the road by 6 AM. We got into Atlanta right at 1, though it took us another 20-30 minutes to make it through the crowded downtown traffic to the parking garage. We had pre-reserved a parking spot at Suntrust and that was SUPER awesome. We were able to walk right out of the garage and meet up with Cath, who was set up doing her Guest Trans thing right outside the back of the Marriott. We got her key and got our stuff up to her room, not bad at all.

New Marriott rooms are weird. At least the mirror isn’t INSIDE the closet anymore.

I put on my Tightrope Walker and spent pretty much the whole afternoon in it. We did venture over to the Hilton for a bit (I had wanted to try to make it to the Disney shoot but it wasn’t in the cards) and then went back over and stayed at the Marriott the rest of the night.

Around 7 I switched out to Edith and stayed in her the rest of the night. I brought Captain Marvel and Janet Snakehole with me, but didn’t get to wearing either of them. It was too much trouble to get up to Cath’s room on the 18th floor to change as often as I would’ve liked.

The new carpet is so ugly LOL

We had dinner at Sear which I swore I wouldn’t do but I ended up not wanting a slice of grubby pizza. Then I ended up outside the Marriott for about an hour around midnight helping Cat move tables and chairs and vans LOL

Then we went on to bed — we were up at 6 the next morning and out the door to head to Orlando. It was really easy to catch an elevator that early LOL I don’t know that I’ve ever been up and out that early at Dcon before — there were still people out partying from the night before.



People still partying

Thoughts on my Tightrope Walker

I need to tweak a few things, which isn’t surprising, that’s always the case after a first test run of a costume.

1. The wig
Not happy with how big and far out the curls are on the side of the head. I REALLY wanted to leave them as clip on to make it easier to pack and transport the wig, but I think the clips need to come out so they don’t stick so far out. I’m going to play around with them this week and see if I can make what I have work if I take the clips out and sew them on – but I may have to buy new ones and start over. I’ve got get this figured out this week since I’m wearing it to the WDW Halloween Party first weekend of Oct, and I’ll be out of town for work the week before that! Auugh not enough time.

2. The shawl/capelet
The closure on the capelet wouldn’t stay closed. I need to add a strip of velcro behind it or something.

3. The bodice
The bodice was really comfortable and fit really well when trying it on for a few minutes while making it… after 5 hours not so much. Lacing it up to close at the top made the sleeves sit too high up and too tight under my arms. And it was a bit too big through the waist. I don’t know that I’ll be able to fix this before Oct but maybe afterwards.

4. One of the skirt pleats on the left side (viewer’s right) is hanging really weird, I think I may unpick that section and see if I can figure out what the deal is.

5. Hoopskirt
Not really a problem, but I’m going to experiment with wearing the hoopskirt smaller and no petticoat for the Halloween party, to make it all together a little less wide and floofy. Hopefully it doens’t make the skirt too long – I already think it’s about an inch too long as it is, but with the flowers painted on I don’t have much room to adjust.

6. Shoes
Oh goodness these pink flats were hell… they rubbed blisters on my heels after an hour in. So I need to maybe put some moleskin into the back before I wear it again.

7. Parasol
I think my poor parasol is pretty much trashed. It’s just barely hanging together. It wasn’t exactly right for Jane to start with, nor is it right for my Tightrope Walker — I wanted to try to make a new one but that wasn’t in the cards for finishing it before dcon, so that’ll be a few months out. For now I’ll hope my current one won’t completely die, LOL

A few more pics from my phone – couldn’t take a bunch since both of my costumes had gloves LOL

My Edith:

Probably the only pic of it at Dcon out there, because pretty much the entire time I wore it I was either eating dinner in Sear, or standing outside the Marriott holding tables and chairs LOL Also… I wore my green slip-on comfy shoes with it LOL After getting blisters in the TW shoes, I wasn’t going to take any chances on making it worse right before heading to Disney!

OMG you guys I met the director of guest transportation!


That’s all for now until Chase sends me the photos from his real camera. And I’ll have a Disney post up soon too.

(randomly I am totally scratching my head over why I’ve gotten like 20-30 hits the past couple of days from this old random blog post of mine. that’s so weird.)